Sunday, January 31, 2010

a response/meaningless raving

Re: summer clothes - feeling the good vibrations, i choose them to stay

luvly vani, you have hit on the perfect example of why "trends" are lame.

fashion is art. forever 21 is the equivalent of a poster board art print.

its like that story you read shivani,
the artist
or something ...... gogol wrote it
the artist got all mainstream sell out business for the money

people don't need to emulate high fashion in their everyday wardrobes.
better to just hint at it... like a tribute - instead of a desperate failure

from the natalie chapman spring/summer '10

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Glass Menagerie (part uno)

this guy who calls himself Tennessee, he wrote some plays.
i am reading one

i think he must have been an odd fish.

one of my teachers said that you should try not to think about authors while reading.
i say fuck that,
because Mr. Williams sort of invites the reader to get involved in something something fallacy
(not the pathetic fallacy, the other one)

T.W. (to personal? whtevr...) dislikes fire escapes, uh...
because society is burning down and all that. but that is all part of the metaphors and clearly he his transferring his anger.

they say transference is bad. why? well duh... but still.

LOTSA metaphors....
Jesus ............................

come out and say it.

why i am a hippo-crit aren't i.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

stream of consciousness: existentialism

i disagree with everything i've been told about it.

this is why:
idealist are always hypocrites.
we don't have complete control over our actions.
people are inherently social and affected by others.
our minds and thoughts are partially products of our genetics.

what strikes me about existentialism is that it allows people to not to care ... but still keep their guilt.

whatever, i'm 16, i don't know anything. that's just what it looks like.
(looks like? "looks" what i'm i seeing? zilch)

emerson told me to trust myself "self reliance".

i luv you emerson. i love that essay - or whatever it is.
(is it an essay?)

who was it that warned america about political parties?
apparently no one was paying attention. or people just can't help themselves.

we do end up in groups.
doesn't mean we have to stop being individuals.

i like democracy.
groups of individuals.
personally though, america seems a little big.
more power for local governments i think.

i have a friend who has a grandfather who says things and i have forgotten what i was saying. that self reliance thing got my brain all "upside-downy".

greta garbo said that.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


i was reading huffington post online and i can across this title
"Bernanke Calls For Regulation To Fight Against Bubbles"


turns out the bubbles are "speculative investment bubbles"

for a moment i had a wonderful mental picture of an old beared guy running around a feild full of bubbles with a butterfly net.

p.s. "the feds cheif remarks were his most extensive on the subject since the housing market's tumble led to the gravest finacial crisis since World War II - and perhaps the worst in modern history in his view."
damn bubbles.... :)